Wednesday, October 14, 2009

So Chris Christie Doesn't Have a Plan

This is Jon Corzine's plan for property tax relief from four years ago:

Jon Corzine will use his management skills and business experience to deliever property tax relief that is REAL-Responsible, Effective, Accountable and Lasting

Responsible-Jon Corzine has a plan to grow state revenues from a growing economy, and make specific spending cuts. This is the only responsible way to make more state funds available for direct property tax relief without raising other taxes.

Effective-Corzine's plan gives direct rebates to homeowners and renters who need them; rebates are guaranteed to grow 10% a year - or 40% over 4 years.

Accountable-Corzine will hold local governments and schools accountable for their spending. He will push for a new elected State Comptroller with jurisdiction over local government; and expand incentive programs for smart management and reduced spending by local governments. He will end the corruption tax at all levels of government.

Lasting-Corzine's plan advocates for a Citizen's Convention on property taxes. Corzine will put his idea to grow rebates before the convention. Corzine will insure relief by hard wiring relief into the state budget, and by keeping NJ's economy competitive and growing.

Anyway, when Jon Corzine says that Chris Christie doesn't have a plan-does he have a plan?
Jon Corzine chose to increase funding for pre-k and the earned income credit and decided to scrap his promises about property tax relief. The bigger problem is that he wasn't even sincere about keeping his promises.

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